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Health and Education Worker mhGAP training for SPARK Phase 1

From the 30th August until 1st September the SPARK team in Nairobi, Kenya, trained 22 health professionals on the principles of mhGAP in advance of Phase 1 full implementation.

The WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme aims to equip health professionals with skills to identify and refer a variety of mental health disorders for specialised care, with the overarching aim of scaling up care for these disorders. Participants discussed the barriers to supporting children with developmental disorders and methods to overcome them. The trainees found the sessions to be successful and enlightening.


Department of Psychology

Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN)

Second Floor Addison House,

Guy's Campus, King's College London

London SE1 1UL, UK

Website design:

Wondwosen Tensou, Arabella Glanville and Dr. Melissa Washington-Nortey

This research was funded by the NIHR (NIHR200842) using UK international development funding from the UK Government to support global health research. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the UK government.​

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